Ya know what I learned from her?
She is a hard worker. Like super hard.
- She worked an almost a full time job at our local movie theatre. She even got promoted as Assistant Manager!
- She was in an alumni show at the high school here in town (in a role she wasn't terribly thrilled about, but ROCKED!).
- She mowed the grass (our grass & a friend's) just about every week, even though she has allergies from Hades.
- She exercised. Even on days she didn't mow grass. (I think mowing the grass is plenty of exercise for the week.) Even on days she had to work.
- She spent the summer (mostly) 11 hours away from her boyfriend.
And you know what?
She didn't complain. At least, not too much any way :)
- She managed to sing show tunes while mowing the grass. At the top of her voice.
- She baked almost every single week. And that girl can bake, let me tell you!
- She talked with her boyfriend practically all the time. They worked at making 11 hours feel not too far away.
- She took me to see Harry Potter 7.2 (mostly) because I wanted to see it. That's just the kind of sister she is.
(even if she is a little crazy!)
I am always sad when she goes back to school. She drove back by her self this year and she left at 5am. So the night before she left, as is tradition, we snuggle under the same blanket and talk about the coming year. Is she excited to be going back? What class is she looking forward to the most? When is the next time she'll be home?
I can't wait to see her at Christmas for a few reasons, but the main one is this: we get to celebrate in person.
Celebrate what?
My baby girl sister is ENGAGED!
I can't wait to see her at Christmas for a few reasons, but the main one is this: we get to celebrate in person.
Celebrate what?
My baby girl sister is ENGAGED!
Awww, I love this post! Christmas will be here soon. Then let the celebrations begin!
like an early Christmas present, you get to see her in the show in November....which she will ROCK!
Thanks, big sister!
I love you :) Can't wait to see you.
And dang it...you always make me get a little teary eyed ;)
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