To finish the weekend...dinner was a bit of a bust. They somehow forgot we had a reservation (even though our leader made the reservation that same day...) so that caused a bit of a problem. I got fish and chips with mushy peas, which seemed odd because it was a bit more of a posh place. I wasn't expecting fish, chips and mushy peas to be on the menu. Everything was good, though, so I suppose that evened everything out.
Another four hour train ride...complete with naps and novel reading. This time, though, it was light out so I could see the Scottish country side. Wow. It's amazing. I'll let you decide for yourself though...
So here we go! This first picture is of Edinburgh Castle. It was beautiful. From the top of the tower, you can see for miles. It's really something to see...
So these next two pictures are the ones I took from the train. Aren't you glad you had to wait? This train ride home is, I am quite confidant, when I fell in love with Scotland. Wow. It has everything really. Town, city, country--you name it! And the hills...the beautiful hills with the snow...Before I keep going and rant and rave, I'll let the pictures do the talking...
We'll I hope you've enjoyed the visual smorgasbord (as Dr. Tom would say) of Scotland pictures. Somehow, time has again sneaked up on me and it is way past my bedtime. I keep reminding myself that even though my time here is almost up, I still have classes. You see how successful I've been with that. I'll just put this on my list of things to do over Christmas break: sleep.
your pictures would make beautiful postcards! another thing you are good at - picture taking. thanks for sharing.
Stunning photgraphs! God is an awesome artist, eh? You just get the easy part. Keep taking pictures (and keep writing)! As far as the's what goes on in the inside that counts.
Great Pictures Laura - Thank you so much for sharing your adventures with us. Looking at the pictures and reading your blog it's like I am there with you. Keep writing.
Love Diane
Those pictures are amazing! And what you said about the church was quite inspiring. You should really think about writing. Just a thought...
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