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the God who loves, saves and smiles
Today was cold and rainy--and not only outside my window but in my heart. The dreary-ness of the day made me want to stay inside and NOT walk the half hour to St. Giles. My roommate suggested that it was the kind of day to just stay home. I resolved I would go and sang "Showers of Blessings" as a dirge in my head. It was a windy and wet walk to the church and I kept wishing I had a hat. I got to church and was greeted by Inge, a German woman who married a Brit and who also lead worship last week. She sat with me during service, which was a blessing. I was a little hesitant today, not only because of the rain, but because I had listened to Pastor Tim's sermon (You got It! in the Charge to Keep series) and had his voice in my head. Apparently, I wasn't the only one though. Our speaker today (because the minister is still on holiday) spoke about the kind of man Saul was at the beginning of his kingship. Somehow, though, the message I received was that God provides, He always has a plan, that He is our High Priest, He goes before us and has a purpose for us. I felt like I needed to shout like Pastor Tim does when he's excited! I was so blown away that God had used the sermon I listened to the night before to continue to bless and encourage me Sunday morning. We also sang some familiar songs, Ancient of Days being the only one I can think of now, that made me feel more at home there. So even though the sun didn't shine today in London, the SON was shining in my heart and changed my sadness to joy. I was further blessed by Inge inviting me to eat lunch with her family (husband Mark, and children Rebekah, Sarah and Thomas). We had roast lamb, with mint sauce of course, and roast potatoes and carrots. After lunch, I went to the Tea and Hymn Sandwich. I found out that it is a mini-service with a different message than the morning, sung with hymns only, and then tea and sandwiches served after. Mostly the older people came to that, but I had a wonderful time.Yesterday we visited Windsor Castle. It was so HUGE! It was stunning really, and there isn't too much more you can say about it! This picture is me in front of the Castle. It was a long day (and a bit windy!) with a very long train ride home, but I had very good chocolates to eat on the way home so it wasn't too bad :)
Well, I'm off to get a bit of work done. I'm glad my roommate is out right now, because I will be singing "Stand and Shout" and "Mighty to Save" at the top of my voice. If you can hear me, sing along!
That was fantastic! What an inspiring writer you are my dear!! I feel like I am right there with you. God is so good! He does have a plan for you and He is mighty to save. :o) I am so glad you found a church that has welcomed you and made you feel a little more at ease. How cool you get to experience God's love and provision in a new culture. I love meeting God anew and afresh in totally different settings.
I am touched by your honesty and joyful that the Lord delivered you from your cold and rainy day! I may not be able to hear you singing, but know I am singing along with you. This journey to England may be unforgettable, but the spiritual journey you are experiencing will last a life time bringing you so much closer HIM!
Miss you much!
I love sing alongs! Check your email. I sent you something. Love you!
God is always at work around you. He answered my prayer and you found a church. Then He answered again and you were invited home by some lovely people. Inga didn't know that God was preparing her to answer this mothers prayer but surprise, there you go, roast lamb! Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Open your mouth wide and the great I AM will fill it. :-0
Our God Is So Big and he loves you so much Laura. I'm glad you found a Church that has welcomed you with open arms. Keep singing, joining in with you. God is Mighty To Save! Hope you are feeling better, I'm just getting over a cold.....Kent and I leave for vacation Friday night. We are taking the laptop along so I will be able to check in on you and the boys. In God's love and mine....Diane
ps miss your hugs {{{{Laura}}}}}
You're such an encouragement to me, love. Your faith seems to be stronger and I love being able to look at you for encouragement.
I've been feeling crappy myself about all that, but today, after I read your post, we sang "Mighty to save" in chapel. And I teared up thinking about you ;)
Laura, know that the LORD has used you this day to be such an encouragement to me. Your transparency is noble. GOD loves you girl with an everlasting love. HE tells you this day, "I am fond of you". Keep your eyes on the Son, your ear atune to his voice and your heart receptive to ALL He has for you. You are so precious to me.
Love ya,
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